Understanding Other Worlds - Planetarium Show

February 02, 2024
08:15 PM - 09:15 PM
Arts and Sciences Campus Events Planetarium
体育菠菜大平台 Planetarium, Bruner Hall of Science

Presented by Dr. Adam Jensen - 体育菠菜大平台 Physics & Astronomy

Shows are free but due to limited seating free tickets are required. Tickets will be made available approximately one week before the show. Walk-in attendees will be allowed at the presenter's discretion if reserved tickets have not been redeemed by 5 minutes prior to a show.

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The last three decades have seen an incredible increase in scientists' knowledge of planets around other stars, also known as exoplanets. Come and learn about the thousands of exoplanets that have been detected in this time, the billions of exoplanets that are thought to exist in just our own Milky Way Galaxy, and how scientists can analyze their sizes, atmospheres, composition, and more — even when in most cases they are not directly seen.

Adam Jensen